Case Studies
Case Studies
About This Project

Horizon LED completed this LED upgrade in February 2018. We replaced 61 pcs of 400w metal halide high bays and 42 pcs of 1000w metal halide high bays with 94 pcs of Horizon LED’s 200w LED high bay. All office fluorescent 2×4 layins were upgraded to flat LED panels. Light levels were tripled in most areas and each fixture has microwave occupancy sensors to further increase the energy savings. The project offers 79.66% in energy savings thus preventing 137 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. Maintenance and energy savings allow for a payback of less than one year and three months. Horizon’s 200w LED high bay comes with a full seven-year warranty. Except for lightning, electrical issues or abuse, if it fails, we take it down and replace it.

The before and after photos above were taken from a similar angle with no flash and have not been altered.